Worlds And Music
Dig Me Out - The 90s rock podcast
#499: In Thrall by Murray Attaway

#499: In Thrall by Murray Attaway

Aimee Mann. Jackson Browne. Jon Brion. Nicky Hopkins. Benmont Tench. Steve Nieve. Jim Keltner. What do all those names have in common? They played on Murray Attaway's 1993 album In Thrall. But wait, there's more! Pat Mastelotto of King Crimson and Mr. Mister. Robbie Blunt from Robert Plant's solo band. Alex Acuña of the Weather Report. Sid Page of Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks. Steven Soles and David Mansfield from Bob Dylan's band. How did all these people end up playing on the lone solo release by the former singer/guitarist of Athen's, Georgia jangle-pop band Guadalcanal Diary? We have no idea, but it makes for an interesting listen, as Attaway's indie-pop songwriting sensibilities are filtered through a variety of talented players on both sides of the recording booth window. Did we mention there is a Lord-Alge brother involved?

Songs In This Episode:

Intro - Under Jets

18:58 - No Tears Tonight

22:16 - The Evensong

29:24 - Angels In The Trees

35:50 - Fall So Far

43:40 - Living In Another Time

Outro - Allegory

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Worlds And Music
Dig Me Out - The 90s rock podcast
Weekly episodes digging up lost and forgotten 90s rock — in-depth album reviews, roundtable discussions, and artist interviews that reveal the unique story of the 90s.