Worlds And Music
Dig Me Out - The 90s rock podcast
#098: Safe Sex Designer Drugs and The Death of Rock n Roll by Baby Chaos

#098: Safe Sex Designer Drugs and The Death of Rock n Roll by Baby Chaos

For episode #98, we're using a listener suggestion as an opportunity to check out an obscure band neither of us knew about to that later became another obscure band that we actually did know about. Got it? Scottish rockers Baby Chaos are the band, and they also provide us with the longest album title to date with 1995's Safe Sex Designer Drugs & The Death of Rock & Roll. In the late 90s they changed their name to Deckard, a band we both listened back in the early 2000s. We liked Deckard, so how does Baby Chaos stack up? Tune in to find out.

Songs in this Episode:

Intro - Saliva

1:50 - History of the Band

11:17 - Sperm

13:47 - A Bullet for the End

25:38 - Go To Hell

Outro - Hello Victim

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Worlds And Music
Dig Me Out - The 90s rock podcast
Weekly episodes digging up lost and forgotten 90s rock — in-depth album reviews, roundtable discussions, and artist interviews that reveal the unique story of the 90s.