Worlds And Music
Dig Me Out - The 90s rock podcast
#123: Fade/Cliche by Sportsguitar

#123: Fade/Cliche by Sportsguitar

On episode #123 our frequent suggestor Dirty Gert throws his third requested review of the year into the ring with the Swedish duo Sportsguitar and their 1996 album Fade/Cliche. Like Radial Spangle and Space Needle, Sportsguitar is a challenge upon first listen. Hidden beneath layers of guitar noise are pop melodies, some deeper than others. Are they too deep, or just right? Tune in to find out.

Songs in this Episode:

Intro - Down 10:20 - Terror 13:49 - Reality 18:40 - Down 21:34 - Serious Outro - Tits

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Worlds And Music
Dig Me Out - The 90s rock podcast
Weekly episodes digging up lost and forgotten 90s rock — in-depth album reviews, roundtable discussions, and artist interviews that reveal the unique story of the 90s.